The HP E1938A Ovenized Oscillator OCXO


© Brooke Clarke 2007


Since a crystal oscillator has a temperature dependence you get better performance when the crystal and the associated oscillator are enclosed in an oven.  A measure of how good the oven is performing is how much the inside changes temperature when the ambient temperature changes one degree.  By using double ovens and maximizing the gain of the temperature control loops the level of oven performaqnce is improved.

These were used in the HP Z3815A which was a GPS disciplined oscillator used for cell phone timing (maybe in Australia).

Major ICs

44pin Microcontroller (PIC) 
marked E1938-80002, Rev 3719, 9729B 
(Fig 1 upper right)
U104, U105   
16 pin 
AD7243 CMOS, 12-Bit Serial DACPORT - 100k S/s 
(Fig 1 just to the left of U105)
28 pin   CMOS, 3V/5V, 24-Bit Sigma-Delta, Signal Conditioning ADC 
(Fig 1 bottom center)
14 pin   
LMC660   CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier (Fig 1 upper left)


There were different versions:
The Z3815A GPS Time Frequency Reference GPSR-A VXI instrument like this one has a D connector on the bottom with sockets.
The E1938A puck on PCB as shown above (has a D connector on the top with pins.)
E1938-60201 is just the puck



The connector on the bottom of my unit is a special "D" type with 20 sockets and a center hole where a coax connector might be installed (not in this one).  
Tom's E1938 has the connector installed on top of the board and his has male pins.  

Pin numbers are as shown in the photo on the left.

These connectors will mate with standard DB-25 series connectors, but the pin numbers are only the same for pins 1 to 5.  Three pins are skipped between 5 and 6 and two pins are skipped between 15 and 16.

The E1938A was sold to at least 3 major customers and we played games with the connector to make it compatible with them. I don't remember exactly why that funny connector was used. Either the connector it had to mate with had coax inserts already for historical reasons, and the E1938A connector had to at least have holes in it without inserts to allow mating, or there was some other arcane reason like the connector with inserts was a different height or something. Some versions had the connector on the other side of the board. Whatever the reason was, you don't need to worry about it because no version of the E1938A ever used those coaxial positions. I think you can put a regular connector in there if you clip off the unused pins. I vaguely remember shenanigans like that.

Top and Bottom photos annotated with function of each pad or pin.  E1938A_Pinout_Pictorial.pdf

Figure 1.  Component side of E1938A controller board.

Figure 2.  D-sub with coax insert on circuit side of PCB.

Theory of Operation

Theory.pdf explains the schematic and block diagrams.

Back Side Component Locator E1938asdrawa.pdf  E1938asdrawb.pdf
Top Side Component Locator E1938asdrawa-8.pdf
GIF format schematics of the board and oscillator and layout drawings as file.
pdf format schematic of the board and oscillator & layout drawings as

On the computerized data printout there is an item called
Hz off freq. after warm up:
This is a measure of how well the reasonating capacitor was selected by the factory to center 10 MHz in the EFC window.

Temperature Control

The 10811 has an ANALOG oven control loop. The gain is set to be just below the oscillation point. This is due to the stability limits dictated by the oven mass and (believe it or not) the size of integrator capacitor that can physically fit. If you want to "soup up" at 10811 oven, externally wire a larger capacitor in parallel and change the resistors to increase the gain. The 10811 designers did the best they could with what they had to work with, but you don't want to blindly copy them in new applications.  BTW, do not use a "metalized" plastic integrator capacitor. Must be "foil" type.
I am extremely happy with the PII^2D control loop on the E1938A (I didn't design it, only tested it). I can't imagine anything being better.

I would like to point out that the E1938A uses a PID controller and has a *transient* thermal gain of many 1000's not to mention a static gain that has in some cases exceeded 1,000,000 for a single oven.

(referring to another temperature control system) The block cannot be well insulated because of the thermal overhead of the oven circuitry (the heat has to escape). I explained in my 1997 FCS paper how to achieve the isothermal condition, which is achieved by symmetry rather than high amounts of insulation. The E1938A oven works quite well if the insulation is omitted or replaced by poor insulation, except that it consumes more power.

Referring to vacuum oven:
At HP, in the 90's, we did a lot of brainstorming about vacuum ovens. This never seemed to make sense to us. If you actually achieve high amounts of thermal resistance, then you can't get the heat out of the oven. And if you don't, why bother with a vacuum. Also, a vacuum only helps if you do everything else you need to do to make a true Dewar (thermos bottle), like having mirrored surfaces, etc. Finally, having a vacuum means that nothing that outgasses can be used in the oscillator. Maybe Vectron has figured out something we didn't think of or has sufficiently difference constraints that a vacuum makes sense for them.

We went through this tradeoff on the E1938A. Resistive heaters can be distributed. However, it is very inefficient to drive them with transistors, because then you waste a lot of power heating the transistors, which is waste heat if resistive heating is used. Prior to the 10544, they just put up with this. The 10544 used a switching regulator for up the efficiency, but it put a 1 kHz spur on the oscillator. The 10811 used two transistors on opposite sides to try to sort of distribute the heat. On the E1938A, we looked at an array of small surface mount transistors to have the best of both worlds. However, this turned out not to be manufacturable and we settled for resistive heaters (back to 1970!).

Computer Program - Windows control program & 3 DLLs it needs.


A New Type of Balanced-Bridge Controlled Oscillator, R.K. Karlquist, HP Labs, date?, publication?
The Theory Of Zero Gradient Crystal Ovens, R.K. Karlquist, L.S. Cutler, E.M. Ingman, J.L. Johnson, T. Parisek, HP & HP Labs, date?, publication?
A Low-Profile High-Performance Crystal Oscillator For Timekeeping Applications, R.K. Karlquist, L.S. Cutler, E.M. Ingman, J.L. Johnson, T. Parisek, HP & HP Labs, date?, publication?


Directly Related to the E1938

2004613 Phase Shifting Apparatus, Larned A. Meacham, assigned to Bell Telephone Labs, filed Aug 23, 1933, issued Jun 11,1935, 323/218 ; 361/299.1
2163403 Stabilized Oscillator, Larned A. Meacham, assigned to Bell Telephone Labs, filed  July 2, 1937, issued June 20, 1939., 331/139 ; 331/140; 331/183; 331/66; 333/17.1; 333/188 - uses light bulb to stabilize a crystal oscillator.
2268872 Variable Frequency Oscillation Generator, William R. Hewlett, assigned to H-P, , filed June 11, 1939, issued Jan 6, 1942, 331/141 ; 331/183 - this is the model 200A audio oscillator that got H-P started. - uses light bulb to stablize a bridge audio frequency oscillator.  The frequency is controlled by an air variable capacitor which would not have any effect on conventional audio frequency oscillators.

The E1938A project started out as a Meacham bridge oscillator and the number was chosen because it was the date of invention of that oscillator. Eventually, we realized that design wasn't going to work for us and we had to invent our our bridge oscillator.

The lamp thing is interesting because there is a lot of HP folklore that has grown up around the HP garage, the invention of the 200A oscillator, etc, and it seems that Bill Hewlett has gotten credit for the lamp stabilization idea. Possibly, he independently invented it, since he filed 6 months after Meacham did, but long before the Meacham patent was granted. Hewlett also copied or reinvented the idea of a bridge oscillator. His real contribution was to harness Meacham's previous technology to enable him to eliminate the inductor from the oscillator, which allowed him to raise the impedance level high enough to allow air variable capacitors to be used. It was a great design, whoever invented it.

(According to tradition, the model number 200 was used instead of 100 to give the impression that this wasn't the first HP product).

The original Hewlett patent is on display at Agilent headquarters where I work. I was kind of surprised that HP ("HP Invent") let Agilent have it. I am also pleased that in the HP Archives museum, on the first shelf, in the center, is a *working* 5071A. There is also, of course, a 200A oscillator on display.

The above are my own opinions and don't represent Agilent or HP.

Rick Karlquist

2275452 Stablized Vacuum Tube Oscillator, Larned A. Meacham, assigned to Bell Telephone Labs, filed June 24, 1935, issued March 10, 194

5708394 Bridge-Stabilized Oscillator Circuit and Method, R.K. Karlquist, Jan 13, 1998, 331/1R ; 331/116R; 331/139; 331/158; 331/177V; 331/183
5729181 High Thermal Gain Oven With Reduced Probability Of Temperature Gradient Formation For the Operation Of a Thermally Stable Oscillator,Cutler; Leonard S. (Los Altos, CA), Karlquist; Richard K. (Cupertino, CA), Collin; James R. (Palo Alto, CA), Johnson; James L. (Morgan Hill, CA), Parisek; Theodore (San Jose, CA), Giffard; Robin P. (Los Altos, CA)   ,March 17, 1998, 331/69 ; 310/315; 310/343; 331/158
4157466June 1979Herrin
4216371August 1980Marotel
4317985March 1982Wilson
4396892August 1983Frerking et al.
4839613June 1989Echols et al.
5025228June 1991Gerard et al.
5041800August 1991Long et al.
Called by:
7,113,051Frequency characterization of quartz crystals
7,102,220Multiple cavity/compartment package
6,784,756On-board processor compensated oven controlled crystal oscillator
6,606,009Self-compensating ovenized clock adapted for wellbore applications
6,362,700Temperature controlled compensated oscillator
6,208,213Thermostatically controlled crystal oscillator
6,166,608Thermo-electric cooled oven controlled crystal oscillator
6,127,661Dynamic thermal control for ovenized oscillators
6,060,692Low power compact heater for piezoelectric device
6,049,256Low profile ovenized oscillator packing having a high thermal conductivity substrate
5,919,383Package for a temperature-sensitive optical component with inner and outer containers and resistive element therein
5,917,272Oven-heated crystal resonator and oscillator assembly


Richard Karlquist - - E1938 - has pinout info
Amp D-sub Connector - TWB21W1 

Invoking DS89C430/450 ROM Loader Using Arduino


DS89C430 and DS89C450 are two ultra-high-speed 8051-compatible microcontrollers from Maxim Integrated Products
One unique feature of DS89C430/450 microcontroller is that it has a ROM loader mode which can be used to program the microcontroller itself.

STEP1: Enable the Mode

According to the user’s guide, UART0 (pin 10 and pin 11) is invoked in ROM loader mode when RST is set to High and both EA and PSEN are set to LOW simultaneously. 


Make RS-232/UART to USB COM port 

After the ROM loader mode is enabled, serial communication with PC can be handled by 2 methods:

A) A PC’s RS-232 port +  RS-232 transmitter/receiver such as DS232A.

B) PC’s USB port + USB-UART converter IC such as FTDI’s FT232R

If you have an Arduino, then you can just use the on-board FT232RL for this purpose. 

Technically speaking, this has little to do with Arduino as you could just use an FT232R adapter board, but with Arduino the RX/TX pins are readily accessible (pin 0 and pin 1) and thus using Arduino as a USB to UART converter couldn’t have been any easier. 

The basic schematic for using Arduino to invoke the DS89C430/450’s ROM loader mode is shown below:

Please note that DS89C430/450’s RX pin is connected to the socket on the Arduino board marked with RX and the TX pin is connected to the socket marked with TX. 

This is because Arduino’s RX socket is actually connected to the TX pin (pin 1) of FT232RL and TX socket is connected to the RX (pin 5) of FT232RL

The picture below shows how this is setup between an DS89C430 and Arduino (I used an external 5V supply here for the DS89C430 board, but you can use the 5V pin directly from the Arduino board if you want to).

Connecting DS89C430 to Arduino

According to the user guide, DS89C430/450’s ROM loader automatically tries baud rates generated by this equation:
RomLoader Baud Rate   =  CrystalFrequency/{192*(256-TimerReload)}
And the timer reload values attempted by the loader are: FF, FE, FD, FC, FB, FA, F8, F6, F5, F4, F3, F0, EC, EA, E8, E6, E0, DD, D8, D4, D0, CC, C0, BA, B0, A8, A0, 98, 80, 60, 40. In order for a given generated baud rate to work, the error between the generated baud rate and the UART’s baud rate must be less than 3%.

To make the selection of crystal frequency easier, I developed a spreadsheet that can be used to determine which standard baud rate a particular crystal can operate under. You can simply plugin the crystal frequency you intend to use and the supported baud rates are automatically highlighted in green (see screenshot below).
ROM_LoaderBaudRate=  CrystalFrequency192*(256TimerReload)

Baud Rate, Crystal Frequency Calculation

This spreadsheet can be downloaded here:
baudratecalc.ods (OpenOffice)
baudratecalc.xls (Excel)

The crystal frequency I used is 21.7 Mhz which as you can see in the screenshot above supports most of the standard baud rates.

Start Serial Communication

I use PuTTY for the serial communication with the following parameters (note the speed must be one of the supported baud rate calculated above, it depends on the crystal you use). 

You can use gtkterm as well.

Serial line to connect to: /dev/ttyUSB0
Speed: 115200
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: None
Flow control: None

And here’s a screen shot of DS89C430 in ROM loader mode:

DS89C430 ROM loader

Finally: Dumping ROM!

When the microcontroller is in ROM loader mode, programs can be uploaded using the ROM loader command interface mentioned in the user guide.

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Improved vacuum tube models for SPICE simulations

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