頂尖Hifi電容: 21款評測






低雜訊JFET: 簡論與綜觀

後2SK170(Toshiba, EOL)時代,人們急於尋找能代替K170的低雜訊低頻用JFET;經過社群討論與努力,挖掘出了BF862這只優秀的RF用JFET,最後更發現在Audio band跟低頻得到意外的卓越性能,且停產前價格低廉,是相當棒的選擇。目前BF862也已停產,Linear Sys則復刻出了LSK170用以代替2SK170。許多過去停產的JFET,也有例如InterFet、Linear Sys等公司製造出相等的替代品。



VFET Amplifier Study Note

Envision the circuit of the SIT power amplifier

Circuit plan 1

Tamura's PP transformer F-781 can be connected in parallel because two windings of 2.5 kΩ on the primary side are independently drawn out to the terminals, and when connected in parallel, the impedance becomes 1/4 of 625 ohms.
When 8Ω is loaded on the 16Ω terminal on the secondary side, the primary side becomes 312.5Ω, so I tried to draw a load line with this.

In the gate-drain voltage 450V at maximum rating of SIT, the gate-source voltage is generally a 20V, V D -I D towards the characteristic graph V D because it is documented = 600V, equivalent of a voltage It may be strong. 

However, since it is an expensive element, I will avoid using it unreasonably.
If the operating point is V D = 180V, I D = 50mA and the load line of 312.5Ω is drawn , V D = 13V, I D = 584mA, and the maximum output is 44.6W at V GS = 0V .

Gryphon Antileon Signature: Clone and Build

Get this from Walkalone from DIYaudio, a DIY hobbyist from VN.

The Basic Law of Gryphon's Design Topology

  • Non-GFB
  • Fully DC-Coupled
  • Class A output
  • Ultra-wide Bandwidth. 

The Gryphon Antileon Signature

Controlling SPI DAC: A Journey started.


2020.10.4     Get this from Paul Frost, the designer of DAC11001.   Write him a mail. 

To be clear, this device was not designed for audio but rather very high-end test and medical applications. R-2R DACs in audio is a bit of a niche application. That being said, there are some companies and hobbyists that are using R-2R DACs still (Schiit's Yggdrasil, for example). Note that the first version released is the DAC11001A, the next version will achieve tighter INL and drift specifications. The sample-and-hold circuit improves the AC performance of the R-2R by making the glitch code-independent. This removes some of the nasty harmonics that you might see in a regular R-2R design. The I2S to SPI is a bit of a problem. Fortunately, the DAC11001A features a daisy-chain mode that looks somewhat similar to I2S. I was able to create the glue logic that converts 24-bit, right-justified I2S to SPI using only 2 flip-flops, a shift register, and 7 logic gates.

QA401 Audio Analyzer Teardown

The overview of QA401, USB and DSP section are isolated from DA/AD.  TI ISO2401 provides signal isolation, and WE parts provides DC-DC galvanic isolation.

Tektronix TDS1000, 2000, 3000 Hack Upgrade Performance!

How to Hack the Bandwidth and Sample Rate for Tektronix TDS1000-2000-3000 Series Oscilloscope?

Xi @ EEVBlog


1. Let firmware is V3.39

2. Open Tektronix Web interface

3. Enter the password to unlock

4. Reboot the Scope, done!


The Cool Sound of Tubes

 Source: https://spectrum.ieee.org/the-cool-sound-of-tubes>  One of the last remaining tube domains is in music applications, but there t...