Burr-Brown Multibit:

PCM51, PCM52 – 16-bit predecessors PCM53, a ceramic package

PCM53 16-bit, one of the old, but good (1983-86 years), with a parallel input

PCM54 16 bit multibitnik normal (slightly older PCM56), parallel input

PCM55 16 bits, the same as the PCM54, only in a small SOIC package

PCM56 16 bit, normal quality multibitnik

PCM58 18-bit, a very good DAC

PCM61 18-bit, the quality of a PCM56, but 18-bit

PCM63 20-bit, one of the best of the world’s Audio

PCM64 18-bit, one of the best, with a parallel input

PCM65 – one of the best, most expensive and rare multibitnikov, with parallel input

PCM66 16-bit DAC-2 and, huddled in a single housing, the quality – so so

PCM67 hybrid (multi + one-bit), 2 DACs and in one case (stereo)

PCM69 hybrid (multi + one bit), the same as the PCM67

PCM1700 18-bit, 2-DAC and in one case (stereo), the quality level PCM61

PCM1701 18-bit, one of the best, the successor technology PCM58

PCM1702 20-bit, the quality just below the PCM63

PCM1704 20-bit, the same as the PCM1702,

but only able to accept 24-bit stream (converting all the same 20-bit)

The 6C33C on MIG-25


6C33C-B對於Audio來說相當HiFi。由於內阻低、屏流大、線性佳,用它製作的單端功率擴大器,不僅輸出功率大,音質純真細膩,音色柔和甜美、清澈透明,非常迷人,而且CP值高,製作容易。 對於一個放大電路來說,它每一級電路的工作形式與工作點的選擇,元器件的合理搭配,都將影響著整機的音色和對音樂的表現力。6C33C是一只低內阻真空管,它有著低內阻管的共同特徵,即甜美有餘而醇厚不足...............



Controlling KORAD programmable PSU

Third-Party Control Software for KORAD KA series 

Korad KA3005P: Most Common


The Cool Sound of Tubes

 Source: https://spectrum.ieee.org/the-cool-sound-of-tubes>  One of the last remaining tube domains is in music applications, but there t...