Sansui Amplifiers 山水擴大機的歷史
Kampf V.A.
Tube sounding almost initially became a kind of standard guitar sound, and it is so to this
day. The most frequently used in guitar amplifiers, low power dual triodes such as EСС83
(12AX7). Despite the undoubted musical merits of this triode, it does have some drawbacks
common to all vacuum tubes (fragility, low efficiency, limited resources, deterioration of character-
istics over time, etc.), therefore has long led development engineers to think about creating
devices which will replace the tubes, but devoid of the above-mentioned drawbacks.
Back in the 70 years of the twentieth century in the music industry have been carried out first
attempts to use low-power semiconductor tube replacements. In some models of company
Mesa-Boogie, for example, in the first stage instead of the usual triode 12AX7 was used the
components of the company Fetron. It should be noted that the Fetron's components was
intended primarily for telephone exchanges, where they had been used since the late 60's
in order to save electricity. Substitutes of tubes from FETRON were built in a cascоde
schematic, which provided the ability to operate at high voltages, but they have a pentode
output characteristics, which is clearly visible in the graphs the output current-voltage char-
acteristics [1, 2], therefore, a direct replacement for triode devices with pentode's CVC led
to significant differences in the sound. This circumstance, of course, played a considerable
role in that how cold enough the musical community met such innovation in guitar amplifiers
and, as time has shown, substitutes of tubes from FETRON not taken root in the world of
Some time ago the other companies have also implemented a significant try to the “tube
heights”. Unfortunately, the manufacturers have not accompanied its products with sufficient
technical documentation, so we have no right to speak about conformity of triode current-voltage
characteristics (CVC), or other aspects of the triode vacuum behavior emulation, especially
when dealing with high signal levels. We’re just stating a fact of issue some semiconductor
tubes, leaving to the music community itself the right to form an opinion about the sound
properties of these devices.
AMT Electronics has its own tradition of building tube replacements. In 2007, the company's
engineers used their version of the cascode switching-on JFET and NPN bipolar transistor
in the SS-20 preamp, allowing to accelerate the signal without limitation to several hundred
volts with a minimum of noise floor. Then, were introduced circuits into the cascades that
simulate the grid limitation, and the shape of the signal became very close to that of the sig-
nal on the 12AX7. In 2007, on the basis of article [4] the company started the development
of low-voltage cascades that emulate the behavior of triode at the restrictions. Despite the
use of field-effect transistors with a pentode characteristics, engineers managed to get the
waveforms of signals which are similar to restrictions of a vacuum triode and in 2008, the
world saw the first series of preamps LegendAmps (LA). In 2011, as a result of hard work
on the modernization of low-voltage cascades, a series LA2 were born, which continues the
tradition of using field-effect transistors in guitar preamps.
By 2012, the AMT engineers had accumulated a lot of experience in the development of
semiconductor stages, which are in one way or another substituting the vacuum triodes,
and in early 2012 the company AMT began intensive work on creating a complete functional
semiconductor analogs of popular tubes used in guitar amplifiers.
In this article, we introduce the reader to the main points that characterize the sound of the
vacuum triode in guitar amplifiers and their implementation in the solid-state triode
AMT WARM STONE. Description of high-power solid-state penthodes and tetrodes
expected in the near future in a separate article.
Basic principle operation of the semiconductor triode.
1. "Triode character" of sound of the vacuum triode in the linear region is largely
determined by the shape of the output characteristics, namely, by the strong dependence
of the anode current Ia from anode voltage Ua at a fixed potential of the control grid Ug =
const (pic. 1).
Saving BiJou Tune Amp
Make FET like Triode: Trioderization
Trioderizer 將FET三極管化
韓國朋友來信: 有關JOB4修復
The request of JOB4 repair.
一位韓國朋友透過DIYA來信,說有一台JOB4想請我協助修復,據稱先前在韓國維修已經被搞得一團亂,有燒焦的電阻,維修完之後開聲沒多久就掛掉了。我建議他可以考慮Nuforce STA-200(因為根本就是JOB的複製),STA-200售價再高也不超過800USD,遠低於JOB4。但對方告知,這台機器對於他與他的父親都非常重要,有其特殊意義。恩...該怎麼辦呢?
Russian Amanero-based USB-I2S Converter
這是俄國人做的USB轉I2S方案,一開始我以為這是新的方案,不過發現基本上這是跟Amanero購買授權製作的特殊版本,額外加了FIFO跟隔離等一些功能,並且也對各種DAC具有很高的相容性而不需特別調整開關、跳線帽等等,可以相容常見的現代Sigma-Delta DAC,也支援NOS模式的R2R DAC,也可Dual Mono/Stereo,非常方便。
最新的版本稱為Bolero V3,另外也有一個更多界面的DDC,以Bolero為核心的Transport Charleston。
具有三種輸入(USB, Opt, Coax),並且都可在輸出端得到相同理想的I2S。採用UAC 2.0規範,MAC系統不需驅動。
3個SPDDIF輸入,包含兩個Toslink以及一個75Ω 同軸界面。採用AK4113為接收晶片,並將訊號輸出給Charleston,接著寫入FIFO緩衝並輸出I2S。
USB-I2S Solutions: Review and Research
2) Amanero CPLD/FPGA Combo384
4) WaveIO XMOS isolated
https: //
5) MiniDSP USB Streamer
6) JLsounds I2SoverUSB XMOS isolated
7) Russian Charleston V3 /showthread.php?t=80671
Amanero Isolatior: built-in isolator without adapter?
The XMOS-cored USB to I2S has a lots of implementation, since its design is widely open, we have seen so many variations that includes built-in Galvanic isolator.
That means many USB XMOS converter cards can directly output isolated I2S signals, for example, WaveIO provides both isolated and non-isolated output.
Another beloved USB-I2S solution is Amanero Combo384; unlike XMOS, Amanero is provided as OEM solution, people get fully assembled PCBs from Amanero. Barely no varied version is on the market.
So, there is no Amanero Isolated USB to IIS officially. We have to make it on our own.
Luckily, some HiFi guys have the same idea. Below is the application note of Combo384, the manufacturer published a schematic that provides isolation.
The Isolation solution suggested by the manufacturer:

Unisolder 5.2
[Unisolder 5.2]
金屬加工的問題,Maker社群用很智慧的方式解決了,其實就用FR-4板子來當面板就好了嘛! 這樣設計十分方便,只要用PCB軟體把外型畫一畫,連同主板一起洗版,不就完美解決了面板開孔加工的問題了!
話說小弟上次研究了韌體,由於是開源的,所以不是一長串HEX碼。因此,如果要對烙鐵進行個小超頻是可以的,例如JBC C245,官方最大130W,可以簡單透過修改數字,小超頻一下到140W。
Ultra Low Noise Amplifier 60dB 80dB 120dB
I2S FIFO Low Jitter Reclocker
頗有名氣的IAN'S FIFO,經過六七年的開發演進,應該是DIY界對於JITTER、RECLOCK最具盛名的解決方案了。目前預購的是FIFO 2020 Q3版本,法國網站已經有上架了。
FIFO Pi簡而言之有三大功能:
1. 訊號電氣隔離
3. 重整時鐘訊號,並且為超低Jitter
FIFO PI有一個最狂的功能就是內建硬體昇頻,支援16BIT昇為32BIT;等於是PCM 32BIT/768KHZ,這是市場上DAC能支援的最高規格了!
Q3做了很多改進,是目前最新的版本。對於像我不用樹梅派的人來說,其實也可以很好地相容IAN'S FIFO,他都幫你想好了。透過"BRIDGEPI",使用者可以插入一張常見的XMOS或者AMENERO USB轉I2S-20PIN的轉接卡。那麼透過Bridge-PI,USB轉成I2S的訊號就可以接入PI的GPIO針腳,就可以跟FIFO相容了。
目前比較新的DAC都有獨立的HDMI I2S接口,因此IAN'S FIFO也可以很好地相容這樣的傳輸介面。
IAN'S FIFO應該是目前最好的DIY USB轉I2S界面了,FIFO Q3報價是135USD,加上BRIDGEPI=29USD、HDMIPI=25USD,那麼對於以電腦當訊源DIY者來說,整套FIFO最低是189USD,加運費大概六千元台幣。
在基本款上面,還有一些可以按照個人喜好升級的地方,像是那兩顆XO,原廠是沒有給到CCHD-975這種等級,這要自行升級;另外最近PULSAR XO聽說評價也不錯,當然也可以相容FIFO Q3的DIP-14腳位。
- Supports XOs with and without an OE pin
- Uses pure 3.3V for clean side DC power input. All LDOs at the clean side had been removed to make it possible to work with a better 3.3V LifePO4 or ultra capacitor power supply solution directly.
- With optional u.fl XO input sockets to work with external XOs through coaxial cables.
- Supports single XO mode
- SMT XO sockets, easy to replace and remove.
- With both isolated MUTE and isolated DSD EN outputs to work better with pure DSD DACs or external PCM/DSD DACs (through TransportPi or HdmiPi).
- New 300MHz high speed flip-flops to lower the additive jitter of I2S/DSD re-clocking at finial output stage.
- Optimized decoupling networks to improve power supply performance.
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The Cool Sound of Tubes
Source:> One of the last remaining tube domains is in music applications, but there t...