[福音---DTT V2.0]
因緣際會之下,我認識了一位施兄,今天收到了他寄給我的樣品。剛好他也開發了電晶體的曲線追蹤儀,價格跟LockyZ一樣,但是施兄比較有耐心也比較嚴謹,所以他的這台作品DTT在線路設計上比較合理、軟體較新、分析功能也更為強大。舉例來說,LockyZ採用單電源供電,但因為量程為38~40V,因此硬是讓裡面耐壓上限36V的OP接受了38~40V的電壓,就是賭一下OP不會壞,LKZ的工程哲學大致類似如此。DTT V2.0
C1、C2為電源濾波電容,取值0.01uF--1uF之間,不同大小及品牌對聲音有點影響,一般使用0.1uF即可。 C7、R1組成靜音(Mute)電路,容量和電阻的值決定了靜音時間長短,電容可取10uF--100uF,電阻可取10K~100K,值越大則靜音時間越長,如無特殊需求取圖中參數即可,此處元件對音質沒有影響,但須注意耐壓要大於50V。 C8、R6組成所謂的”Zobel network”,配合輸出電感達成穩定電路的作用,C8一般取值0.01uF--0.22uF之間,R6一般取1~22歐姆之間,由電容的取值大小以及電阻的選用功率大小可看出電路的穩定情況,一般用得越大則說明電路存在穩定性問題的可能越大。本處選用104和1/4W 10歐姆;實測過不裝也沒問題,但裝上還是保險一點,畢竟不怕一萬,只怕萬一。 RL |
ESS Hump: Root Cause?
調整ES9038Q2M DAC的IV轉換電路阻容配置以及LPF電路的阻容配置即可完全修復駝峰問題,屬於硬體修復方案!
To sum up, the "ESS Hump" of ES9038Q2M can be fixed by changing the setting of capacitors and resistors of LPF as well as I/V converter. The fixation is purely done by hardware adjustment.
Some more Sensor cord Drive: Sigma Drive
Sigma Drive by Kenwood
Curve Tracer UPDATE
Intelligent CurveTracer Software Release
The Latest version of Locky_Z's Curve tracer, ICT V1.1(ads7871_v3s.exe).
As a 3rd-party updating software, user Interface has been translated and optimized into English for better understanding.
Moreover, in ICT V1.1, the background color of curve area has been changed into white, green, blue, etc., white has finally chosen as background.
The readability of multiple curves has improved massively, more importantly, the Locky_Z's stamp on the lower right corner has been removed, and this makes image copied in the clipboard more cleaner.
Aurex (TOSHIBA) has developed some analogue technology in 80's. For power amplifier, they use "Clean Drive" for their product in higher end level, such like Aurex SC-A90F.
Some technical briefing of Clean Drive:
A third wire needed---Clean Drive
The role of an audio amplifier is to
faithfully amplify the incoming signal and feed the amplified signal into the
Intelligent CurveTracer Software Release #軟體更新 #Software Update You can now download it at Github . The Latest version of Locky_Z's Curv...
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